How to add A Record in cPanel using DNS Zone Editor?
A Record is a DNS record and is used to point a domain or subdomain to an IP address. You can add...
How to add an MX Record in cPanel using DNS Zone Editor?A mail exchanger record (MX record) is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System that...
How to edit or remove MX Record in cPanel using the DNS Zone Editor?You can edit or remove MX Record from cPanel using the cPanel DNS Zone Editor, which allows you...
How to add CNAME Record in cPanel using the DNS Zone Editor?CNAME records are referred to as alias records since they map an alias to its canonical name. You...
How to edit or remove CNAME Record in cPanel using the DNS Zone Editor?You can edit or remove CNAME Record from cPanel using the cPanel DNS Zone Editor which, allows...
How to edit or remove a Record in cPanel using the DNS Zone Editor?You can edit or remove a Record from cPanel using the cPanel DNS Zone Editor which, allows you to...